Keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in the labour market

In association with several partners, HeadFirst Group makes unique insights into labour-market-related subjects available.

Talent Monitor: Extreme labour market tightness

In order to analyse the balance between employees on permanent contracts and flexible workers, we publish our Talent Monitor every quarter. This presents unique insights based on Intelligence Group’s recruitment data and HeadFirst Group’s hiring data.

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Book: Professioneel inhuren van externe arbeid [Hiring external workers professionally]

Professioneel inhuren van externe arbeid is the only handbook on the market that deals with all aspects of the Dutch flexible work market and also presents figures provided by Statistics Netherlands (where possible) that support the information provided. It is a practical reference work with strong theoretical foundations, and the theory is easy to put into practice. An unmissable handbook for line managers, boards of directors, HR professionals and procurement officers.

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De zzp'er bestaat wel. A few facts about self-employed people.

In this report – which was drawn up by an independent knowledge platform, ZiPconomy – we present some useful facts, figures and insights about self-employed persons without employees. With a view to showing how different and diverse this group is and raising the level of the public debate on the labour market.

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Independence, flexibility and social security. A look across the border

The Netherlands is not the only country to struggle with establishing work-related rules and regulations. Our neighbouring countries are also dealing with a society that is increasingly modern, digitalised and flexible. That means it is worth your while to take a look at what is being done in other countries

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Talent Monitor: Forecast tariff development professionals 2022

Labour market data specialist Intelligence Group has developed a unique rate prediction model, which includes data from HeadFirst Group. At the end of 2021 we presented the first prediction, which has started an annual tradition.

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The latest news

Would you like to stay abreast of relevant news about the labour market? We monitor the latest news and present you with the most important stories.

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DBA Act & the pilot web module

The pilot of the web module is the only remaining measure within the replacement of the DBA Act. Since a lot has happened in recent years, we list all important data and changes for you.

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